tessa eel swallowed whole!


Yep, I had a Bumblebee before. I'm not surprised, mine tried to eat a horn shark that was much bigger than it was...
Very neat groupers, but get way too BIG!


Originally Posted by surfinusa
how do all those fish live i there with barely any live rock and also how do they live in there with like 6' of fish :notsure:

Well the tank has changed a lot since that pic. The only thing in there now is the grouper, a huge green moray and a puffer. The grouper bullied and or killed everything else out of the tank. Well he has a huge filter and protein skimmer which makes up for the lack of live rock.


Originally Posted by Jon321
Look at this guys tank and livestock (or lack thereof):

Tessa eaten by grouper:

Queen trigger eaten by Tessa:

Tang eaten by grouper:

That is awful why would you mix those fish together? Just curious


Well the tang and trigger were already dead. The eel jumped and when he was thrown back in the tank, he was weak, and the grouper used it to its advantage.


Originally Posted by Tome
Well the tang and trigger were already dead. The eel jumped and when he was thrown back in the tank, he was weak, and the grouper used it to its advantage.
how big does a saddle back grouper get usually....and do u think i could put 1 in my 125..also how long would it take 2 out grow the 125 if it does because i might be moving and i would probly get like a 250 gall. and a 250 should defently work


Well i believe the saddle in these pictures was around 2 feet. He will grow somewhat fast but could do ok in a 125 for a while, you just have to make sure you get the 250g or you will have to give it away. But i will have to double check on the size and rate of growth.