Tessa's are puppies ..........lol


pretty smart crowd here i cant wait for the inevitable.oh well someone people just cant get along.nice eel though.i wish i had one to go with my chainlink.good luck with everything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by moggyhill
its really not pc to make fun of developmentally disabled.

do you come on swf just to start an argument you have 2 post and your getting mad at people even when there just joking around


Haha Mendeleev cross breed dem peas fo! Make dem pink carnations!
Dang u act like eels have the same learning capacity as dogs!
Anyways those eels are dope...I went to sea world eel exhibit and they look FIERCE!


Originally Posted by D0cH0liday
i apolagize i am in a chem 2 class right now and all i have on my mind is mendeleev niehls bohr john dalton, rutherford........i am stupid but still that guy has down syndrome....i dont know what i was thinking i got mad at the guy....and i just rambaled.....and all i could think of for some reason was mendeleev.....damn electron configurations....... Mg

1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2............im am so mad at my self Pavlov would shoot me :mad:
Lol, I'm doing electron configs right now for Chem 1, ya all of those scientists do get confusing, and too bad like half of them died from being exposed to radioactive material lol.


Puppy? In time it be no puppy for like my male Dragon, if you or rather I was to feed like that, he would do me some serious harm and depending on how hungry the eel be, it would take the food as if a puppy or strike fast in which case the eel not know where the fish ends and your finger begins. You really best off to get yourself a feeding stick or shape yourself a

as I but you best be with a feeding stick with that Tess. And in time to come, not soon, you need to get the other eel(s) out of there.
Just what size tank is that?
Dragon moray Eels


I hope he will upgrade to not any smaller a tank then a 1000 gals for myself I would give the animal 2500 gals of open space for eels such as the tess or Green require much free space to be allowed to move about for to better their health in the long term for they live more then 40 years if one do right in the eels best interest, and also I believe that the larger moray species do live as long as 45-50 years or little longer. I once had a green that I gave to a city aquarium and for 25 years I check every five years with how the eel was doing, I did this up until the 25th year and I had the eel for 7-9 years before that.
The Tess from 2' or so can bite in half any fish it can prey on which can only be with larger species in a even more larger marine system. The tess and green morays when diving were always a site to see when they swim near by
for also hope that you can have marine animal that could and can grow as large as 9' and weight #150+