tesselata eel gettin' psycho


I was wondering if anyone has had or has one of these critters. I just put a clown tang in with mine and the eel went psycho on tang. Is this normal behavior?? Will his bites kill the tang b/c of infection?? He lives with a coral beauty and gets along just fine.
Also, any thoughts on feeding fw angelfish fry to eels?
All and any comments welcome. thanks.


i don't have a tessy so i can't really tell you for sure, but when i add anything with my snowflake eel the snowflake nips at the newbie for a few days.. if it hasn't stopped after a few days or one or the other will have to be removed. i think most people recommend against feeding things that did not come from the ocean.
Tesses are one of the more aggressive eel species, I would bet that your clown tang and coral beauty are going to end up being eel snacks if this has already began, tesses are notorious fish eaters.


Active Member
EDWARD! Get the tang and the coral beauty out of the tank with the tesselata. Or get the eel out. The eel WILL eat it. It's a given. It might not be tonight or tomorrow, but it will happen.
Tesselatas are notorious fish killers. Don't make the same mistake I did and lose a beautiful fish to this monster.
How big is it right now? Eels can down fish bigger than their girth, much like snakes.
Best tank mate for a tesselata is nothing, or another moray. Mine is living with a big green and a blackedge. And no fish...NO NO NO fish ever ever ever!
As for angel fry...you're better off offering a variety of frozen fresh fish...squid, octo, shrimp (not cooked or dyed), tuna (not canned), swordfish...smelts...


My Fimbriated grabs every fish I have in the tank when I drop food in there. He simply goes NUTZ! I really want to film it, he goes wild. It gives me the chills watching it. I often think if that

got out, i'd crush it. I dont see me picking it up. The other night it grabbed the bottom fin of my Niger trigger and started pulling him under a rock until the fin ripped off.


Active Member
I agree with polarpooch. From my experience, its only a matter of time before they are large enough to eat everything. The thing that but me is that they get listed for sale as "medium aggresive". People have no idea when they but them what they're getting into.


Thanks for all of your insight. I will remove Coral Beauty b/c I've noticed him getting ripped up a little more and more everyday. I guess I've got an answer to what I'll be putting in my refuge.
He has got to be the most beautiful in my collection and I can't see myself ever parting with him.
Can you put other species of morays with him or same species only?


So, SO, so, if I can't have any other fish with this eel, no crustaceans, no corals, is there anything I can have in this tank with this critter?


Active Member
Can you put other species of morays with him or same species only?
Sure you can...at your own risk, of course. (believe me there are folks who disagree with me on this!) I keep mine with a big green and a blackedge.
So, SO, so, if I can't have any other fish with this eel, no crustaceans, no corals, is there anything I can have in this tank with this critter?
They're too aggressive for corals, and will just keep knocking stuff over.
I use a cleanup crew in my eel tank, even though they eventually become tasty morsels for the eels. I'd say if you add crustaceans, add the cheapies--snails, etc....that are good to clean up detrius from the tank floor. I also have a cleaner shrimp in mine for the eels, but not all eels will tolerate them. Mine happen to tolerate them, which is lucky for me, since they are about $35 bucks a pop.
I've had bluelegs, scarlet hermits and turbo snails in my tank...and many of them last quite a while before they become lunch. They're so good at keeping the tank clean, I think of it as a necessary expense.