Tesselata eels

Hi everyone,
I am new to these forums, I am starting this new crazy adventure. My brother, parents and a two good friends are into marine tanks and have talked me into it.
A little over a week ago I bought a 72 gallon bow front tank. My brother gave me a bunch of substrate, and brought me 20 gallons of his water; and I bought 30 or so pounds of live rock. I have a decent filter, two heaters and some ok lights.
All I really want is a tesselata eel. Later, I would consider a bigger fish that could get along with the eel, if thats possible.
The reason why I am posting is because I was wondering if I bought a cleanup crew, would the eel eat them?
What other suggestions ya'll have before I buy the eel? I don't plan to buy him for at least a month, maybe longer.
I've been reading a lot, but I want to do this the right way, so I am eager to learn.
Thanks to everyone in advance!!


i dont mean to start this off with bad news but.....
the tesselata eel grows to over 5' long, a 72G is WAY to small.
you need atleast a 8' long tank IMO for a tesselata.
not saying dont go for an eel at all. just not the tesselata.
snowflake, fimbriated, honeycombe, banded snake, chainlink, golden dwarf eel, leapored eel, tiger snake eel, unduated moray. they are all fine for that sized tank, but stay AWAYfrom the zebra and the tesselata, they grow to over 5' long, and as fat as anything. also stay away from ribbon eels, they next to impossible to keep IMO.
those eels i've listed are still lovely eels.
and as for a clean upcrew, i think you'r very limited. and not to sure wat will be suitable for it. someone else will have to help ou out on that one/.

crypt keeper

Active Member
This eel is probably the most aggressive animal people try to keep in our aquariums. They will grow to a massive size and eat everything you ever plan on keeping it with. I was planning on getting one. a 72 gallon tank is just flat out too small. If you have the coin get a similiar looking eel known as the skelator eel. They are about $500 gorgeous and rare.


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
This eel is probably the most aggressive animal people try to keep in our aquariums. They will grow to a massive size and eat everything you ever plan on keeping it with. a 72 gallon tank is just flat out too small. If you have the coin get a similiar looking eel known as the skelator eel. They are about $500 gorgeous and rare.
Exactly. nicely put


+1 Don't do a tesselata if you don't have the room for it. You should look into a jeweled moray aka mexican dragon eel (Muraena lentiginosa). They only get about 2' long and are also pretty mean, if that is what you're into.
Thanks everyone....
It wasn't the answers that I wanted, but I really appreciate the honest answers.
Okay, re-asking the question. I would prefer one fish to start out, so therefore I prefer it to be pretty cool. So, what would ya'll suggest? I am open to anything, but getting anxious..

Thanks again everyone...


if its an eel your after, thenn maybe a jewled moray.
if its an actual fish your after. maybe a volitans lion?
they never really hide and just perch about, they look AWESOME too!