Test Coloration of High Nitrite?

marine qa

I am in the middle of a cycle. My ammonia is now nearly 00.00. As expected, the nitrite has been high for a couple of weeks. The nitrite test color is cherry red. Much redder than the test card. Is this normal?
I tried getting annother brand of nitrite test (have Red Sea now) but have not been able to find one.


Ha...I've been wondering the same thing. I too, have a Red Sea test kit. And yes, my nitrite's are off the chart. And yes, my ammonia is zero. Some type of bizzare or paranormal coincidence you say? Hmm...I'm inclined to think that either our tanks like playing with us...or Red Sea test kits just plain suck. Either, or...no more fishies 'til the cycle finishes. Oh what a cruel world.... ;)


We have a Red Sea test lab, and it always says nitrites are present. I have double checked it against two different LFS's tests(to make absolutely sure there were no nitrites), and it reads high every time. So I just use it as a warning, and watch for a color change. Still trying to find a reliable test kit(tried wardleys also, and don't trust those either), so any suggestions would be appreciated :)


Marine QA
Since you are in the middle of your cycle, your readings are right. I also have the same test kit and when cycling the tank my Nitrites were off the color chart... don't worry it will come back down, mine took 10 days.


I have the Red Sea test kit and I am having a little trouble with the pH. It shows an extremely dark purple color over 8.6. I don't think this is correct because I am not having any trouble with the tank. It has read this ever since I set up the tank. I was wondering if anyone else had this same problem? I have not had my lfs test it yet but I will in the very near future. How much is a reliable electronic pH meter? Thanks guys and gals!