Test equipment



I am in the process of setting up a new 155 gallon Reef, have always used the standard Mardel 5in 1 and ammonia test kits with the 30 gal reef that I have had going with pretty good results. Nevertheless this new set-up I want to take to a new level, and am curious what test and or brands are you big dogs using. I have a refractometer, and have an R/O system going, Will plan on a lot of inverts, softies and some hard corals.
Thanks in advance


New Member
Originally Posted by tschubert
I am in the process of setting up a new 155 gallon Reef, have always used the standard Mardel 5in 1 and ammonia test kits with the 30 gal reef that I have had going with pretty good results. Nevertheless this new set-up I want to take to a new level, and am curious what test and or brands are you big dogs using. I have a refractometer, and have an R/O system going, Will plan on a lot of inverts, softies and some hard corals.
Thanks in advance
I am certainly no "big dog", very new in fact. But I have read the boards and done searches looking for the same answers. It seems that the majority feel that salifert is the best although also the most expensive. Other kits are used and I am sure with success but Salifert is the name you will hear again and again without much dispute as to quality. As a general rule people frown on the all in one test strips. Salifert does not make a master kit (all of the
test one needs). They have to be bought individually.
Refractometers are by almost all accounts superior to hydrometers and I can attest to that having started with the latter and moved to the former.
Test reccomended for a reef kit generally include: pH, ammonia, nitrate, calcium, alkalinity, and usually phosphates and sometimes magnesium. Phosphates especially if you are having algae problems. Some will check nitrites also but I have seen what seemed like a reasonable argument that they are not necessary if you are checking ammonia and trates. Also one of the mods( I think Lion or Bang) made the point that ammonia need not be tested with an expensive, precise kit as if they are present that is a bad thing and requires attention. Unfortunately read that post right after ordering the Salifert ammonia test kit.
pH can be tesed with Salifer kits, but I think a pH meter is generally felt to be superior. However this requires an acid and base test solution for calibration which they don't tell you when you buy the one meter on this site and I don't believe the solutions are sold on this site but can be googled and found.
A couple of weeks ago the Salifert pH kit and Magnesium kit were not available on this site, not sure if that has changed, but I wish listed the mag and haven't gotten an email saying they were in.
Someone will post and say that they are "doing great" with the multi test strips that are dipped in the water and read in 30 seconds. Others will say they don't test at all and post pictures of thier tank and it will look awesome. I am not disputing their success or methods. But in my "research" the above would be the consensus of many of the "big dogs".
For more info do a search on "test kits" on this site. Plenty of info from those who have done alot more that read about it like me.
Sorry for the length.


Active Member
I would agree that most will swear by the salifert tests...
However, I am not one of them. In all honesty, I have never used a salifert test. The reason why? Too expensive!
I've had 4 reef tanks in my life and I have never had an issue with other test equipment.
I currently use a red sea marine and reef lab test. When you average out the cost per test, I pay maybe half the price of a salifert.
I can't speak for others, but I speak for myself.