Test kit question


Active Member
the most expensive. (seriously) cheap test kits are cheap and tend to be less accurate (not always but...) salifert is a good brand but I hear some of their test kits are like rocket science to use. I personnally use hagan.
is hagan complicated at all? I've used red sea but I haven't heard of anyone recommending them or anything. also I have a couple of salifert test but those were a bit confusing and complicated. thanks


I switched from API to Salifert---much easier to use (color changes are easier to read)
Lamotte is very acurate but REALLY expensive.
Problem with Salifert is availability---the vendors seem to be out of stock a lot, but looking around the net will find it.
ok well maybe i will stick with salifert then because that is what them seem to carry it at most of the lfs's around me. it seemed a little confusing but i did use it last a while ago so maybe i will understand it a little more now that i am more experiened. thanks