Test Kits.......Amonia?

Im having a wierd problem, this makes no sence. Acording to my test kits I have a amonia level at .25ppm yet all my stuff is doing great. Do you think the amonia is really there or is the test kit wrong. I have a 55g with about 60lbs of LR and a Ehiem 2227 Wet/Dry. If the amonia is there I dont know what else I can do to get it down. To add to this confusion I have one of those continuous in tank amonia test things and its reads safe, the lowest level possible................WHAT GIVES?


Ammonia tests are tough, agreed, thats why when someone asks what test kits I use, I have to give them a few different brands. After many years, you figure out which ones work for what, and settle on a few you can trust.
The only ammonia test we use now is the Red Sea test, and we've tried all the others. Even the high quality Saliferts don't give you any calibration below .50.
The Red Sea test will give you a perfect reading of ammonia, even in small amounts. Good luck!


Is the Red Sea master kit good? You said it is good with ammonia, how about pH, NO3, NO2, alk?
If not, what do you recommend for the others?
Then how are all these people running around saying they have 0, should I be concerned all my shrooms and buttons are doing ok, The anenomae has never looked better and my brittle star is great?


Good question. I use the Red Sea for Ammonia and Calcium, and I use the Salifert tests for everything else.