test kits and additives


Active Member
Posted in this forum, only got 1 reply in other (cheers Rob)
Any other test kits I should have other than: ammo, trites, trates, PO4, calcium, mag, pH, alk.
I have calcium, mag and kalk additives.
My tank is 18 months and has polyps, shrooms and xenia at this moment.
How important are other kits and additives (essential or desirable?) Strontium etc?


Active Member
Looks like you have all the test kits covered. I'm not sure if you meant Alk additives instead of kalk additives, but you'll need something to raise Alkalinity if you meant Kalk. I don't bother with Strontium tests or any other trace elements as I rely on water changes to give me the needed amount.

nm reef

Active Member
As for tests all I keep on hand are:
ammonia/nitrite/nitrate/PH/calcium/alkalinity/magnesium/phosphates....plus a good quality thermometer"sic"( I use a few submerged and a digital) and a means of accurately measuring specific gravity( I currently use combined results from 3 swing arms but will soon use a refractometer).
The only additives I use are:
Seachem Reef Builder Calcium ...Seachem Reef Builder Magnesium...Seachem Reef Advantage...and a drip of kalwasser to maintain established levels of calcium/alkalinity. Trace elements are maintained via regular small percentage water changes.
Thats the path I follow but there are numerous other paths to pick from. Hope that helps answer your question.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by col
No one got any opinions or input?
Too busy arguing with Bob???????

I also think you got the test kits covered.
Currently I am not useing any additives. I prefer to look for ways to maintain tanks that do not require additives.