Test Kits And Brands, Additives Needed Which Are Best!


I am sure I am ready for a few new test kits soon. What do I need now that I am moving along. I am going to have a few corals, easy to keep soft and mushrooms and of course fish. I have 80 lbs of live rock in my 90 gallon and 30 pounds of base rock. Suggetions for test kits would be great....need to make sure I am testing everything and also, how about additives? What brands are best and what is going to be needed. Want to get all ready before I bring start bringing any live stuff home. I will be starting with a pair of clown fish in a couple of weeks. Also getting my cleaning crew in a couple of days. Suggestions on food would be great!


Active Member
I use an Aquarium Pharmaceutical Master Test Kit ($20 off popular auction sites), and SeaChem pH buffer. The SeaChem products were recommended to me by a few posts on this site as well as two LFS'. Seems to have worked perfectly so far. HTH


Active Member
Make sure that you get pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate test kits. These are the basic tests that can be found in any "master test kit". Now, depending on what you plan on keeping in your tank, you may want to get alkalinity, calcium, phos., and other tests if you are planning on keeping a reef tank.
Besides the above, I would advise investing in a refractometer. I use to use a "swing arm" type hydrometer,a nd never got the same reading twice....very inaccurate. This is a good investment, IMO.


I use the same test kit, no problems.
Clowns like brine shrimp,krill,plankton,mysis shrimp, and prime reef flakes.
Mostly meaty foods.


Active Member
Good info on getting the test kits, but would suggest holding off on buying any additives until you see what your system is needing and consuming... Test before you add anything!!!!!


I use the basic Aquatic pharm. test kit and Salfert test kit for calcium. I also have an alk test kit, Red Sea, which I DON'T recommend. It's adaquate, but gives a color grading scale and not a numerical scale, which is better.
I also second not buying any chemicals to add to your tank. I don't add any buffers to my tank at all. Salt takes care of all that. The only thing I add is calcium and that is only after I test for it. You're salt mix should replace this.


I just had to add some PH buffer to the tank but do it rarely but I was at the end of my cycle so it was at 8.0...now perfect at 8.2....I only add calcium right now but do need to go and get a calcium test...I have been taking the water to the LFS for testing and my calcium was 360, so just watching it, will get a test today while I am there..I am excited, finally done cycling and will add cleanup crew tonight.


Your calcium is low, you should try to get it up to 450. This will also increase your PH.