Test kits~which componets are most important?

I have read other posts about which test kits are best. The overall response has been Salifert. I see that each test is sold individually. I also need to upgrade to a refractometer. If I am on a budget, which are the most important to start with?
If a boat is a hole in the water that you fill with money does that make a saltwater tank water that you fill with a "hole" lotta money???


Active Member
The things that you will definitely want tests for are PH, Ammonia, Nitrites and Nitrates. Other good kits to have are Phosphates, Alkalinity and if you are going reef, Calcium.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
If just starting out
personally would rank phosphates and ph with those two. also, calcium is not just needed for corals--hermits, snails, other inverts all need calcium as well so that's a high priority test kit.
Started in January with a FW 47 gal column tank & quickly switched to salt as soon as I found out that there were 2 SWF stores within an hour from home. THAT did not work out...to hard to reach the bottom. So, a new 55 gal. was setup about 3 weeks ago. I gave away the 47, stand, gravel & decorations. Kept the RENA canister filter & heater when I switched over.
Recent purchases in the past 3 weeks have been 55 gal & stand, CF light fixture, sand, protein skimmer, UV sterilizer, 4 power heads & several pieces of rock w/inverts.
I should have mentioned that only had test strips to start with. I have been using red sea salt & that my goal is for a reef tank with only a few fish.


Active Member
Sorry forgot the Ph. IMO calcium and alkalinity and phosphate can come later after the cycle. But I guess I was just looking at him starting the tank since he asked which are the most important to start with.


Active Member
if you're going reef you will want to throw out the strips and get every test kit listed here, plus magnesium.


Active Member
Originally Posted by contrarymary
It would be nice if Salifert had master kits.
TOTALLY agree there.