Test kits?????


But now need a little advice on which test kit. Have a doc wellfish that reads nitrates at 20+, and a fast tester that reads them at near 0 (less than 5, but barely a color change.) All other tests in comparison are right on. Which would you believe? With the equipment I have installed, I would belive the fast one. (small weak cry for help)


Active Member
I would test it a couple of times with the tests that you have. If you continue to get the same readings, I would go with the Fast Test. Now that's just my opinion because I think Fast Test is a better test.


Active Member
Fastest or Seatest kits for everything but Calcium and Alk. For Calcium and Alk I would go with Saliferts


Originally Posted by FISHY7
Take a sample to your LFS for a quick result and then purchase a good test kit.
tried that they use fastest but were out of nitrate tests. I have tested at least 3 times with the same results. A good test kit is what we thought we had with the fastest.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sarwiz100
tried that they use fastest but were out of nitrate tests. I have tested at least 3 times with the same results. A good test kit is what we thought we had with the fastest.
Well if you have a Fastest kit and the kit is not past its shelf life date then you did buy a good kit. The Doc Wellfish kits / products leave a lot to be desired. Trust the Fastest kit.


Active Member
Maybe the test kit is correct and you do have high nitrates. Do a water change and retest. :thinking:


okay, here's the scenario. Had a reading of 30 nitrate monday with doc wellfishy, did a 18 gal wc on wednesday (had to let the water cure for a while), just opened the fastest kit (expiresin 2008) and tested on wed. Wellfishy still read 20-30 nitrate, fastest read almost 0 checked ph, ammonia and nitrites with both, and got the same readings (pH8.2,am=0 ni-0). I have a 125 with a 20 gal sump (only 1/2 full) and estimate the water volume at 125 to 130 gal. Lotsa live rock (125-140 lbs) 4to5 inch dsb, 2 denitrators and just started building a fuge. My nitrates SHOULD be around 0 and I am trusting the fastest until I can get another one. tested 2 other tanks with both kits, and got the different reading on nitrates, but everything else the same. I'll go with the fastest for now until I can locate a salifert, or get one shipped.


DId get the water tested at LFS, they came up with a reading of 15 using the doc **fish kit. More confusion sets in????