Test kits


New Member
I'm starting out my 55 gallon, only have LS & DS in there and my hardware, skimmer etc. I'm waiting lbs. of Fiji LR to arrive next wednesday. I know it's important to check your water for ammonia & nitrates/nitrites during the cycling process, so I was wondering which would be the most recommended test kits out there besides the digitals?? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


New Member
I'm sorry, it was 45 lbs of LR I'm waiting for. Would that be sufficient for my 55 gall? I know the rule of thumb 1-2 lbs/gal, but I don't want that much rock & I don't want it to look to sparse either.


Hey, I just ordered 45 lbs of live rock in my 65 gallon, I too didn't want much live rock, but as soon as you stack it up, it will look a bit sparse. Right after I got mine I bought 8 more lbs to make it look a little more complete. But 45lbs definitely will look a bit sparse in a 55 gallon, especially if you stack the rock high. As far as test kits, I just bought some Salifert kits based on recommendations on this site, I like it and I'd recommend it as well. HTH.


I have a 90g tank that in getting to the end of its cycle with a 5" DSB and 50lbs live rock. I would like to add more live rock (slowly) i know because of mini cycles. how would I go about adding new rock. what is about the min. of lbs I can add at a time. If I buy rock that has never left the water how would I add it. I get me rock from <a href="http://www.tampabaysaltwater.com" target="_blank">www.tampabaysaltwater.com</a>
thanks all


Active Member
ajwaters I replied to your other post.
JP I use Hagen tests for my tank I don't know if they are great or not but seem to work well for me.


New Member
Thanks for that fast reply, ths message board provides a wealth of information!
I have another question, I currently have 20 lbs of CaribSea Live sand and 30 lbs 0f CaribSea dry aragonite wihch guves me a total of 50 lbs, roughly 2 inches in my 55 gallon tank. I like the way it looks, but I've been reading that I should go with around 4 inches or another 50 lbs.
Is this absolutlely necessary?