With regards to the Salifert kits...
I heard that some of them use a powder... Which ones do? I've heard they are accurate.. Are they still very easy? What about time? I think it was the calcium one that used it for the titration.
Are there any turbidity kits that are go/no go? Something thats a quick check for zeros...
I use the redsea and the marine aquarium or something like that, and the marine aqua is nice, due to it being in low scale (ie .025 instead of .1 like the redsea)
With the redsea, I checked RO/DI, distilled, drinking, tap and spring water, all came up with .25 nitrites and .1 ammonia.. It never seems to read less than that... I was kind of concerned when my aquarium water read that, but after checking 5 different sources of "clean" water (4 that were bottled by someone other than me, all different companies (zephyrhills, clearwater systems, etc. etc.) I realized it was the test kit. I checked that I was doing it right, and it seems I was, anyone ever have this problem? I may have a defective kit...