Test Result Help


Hey, had my tank established about 6 months now. My tank has been great the whole time, then about 3 weeks ago a big algae bloom came up. Brown algae, to hairy algae. It got so bad in my rocks and LR I had to take the LR off and clean it. Now the brown algae is back and I can't seem to rid the tank. I didn't have a phosphate test and many people told me that may be the problem, today I bought one:
Phosphates = 0
Nitrates = 10
Nitrites = 0
Ammonia = 0
pH = 8.4
salinity = 1.023
Everything is good. So I am kind of in a rut as to why this algae bloom is so horrible. Also I bought an alkalinity test told that that may also be an issue. A KH Test Carbonate Hardness, the guy told me it was the same thing for alkalinity. I tested it and it needed 12 drops to change from blue to yellow. 12 drops was the same as 214.8. What is alkalinity supposed to be at? Is this even the right test? Please any answers would help at this time.
I also have a Emperor 400 Filter, Prizm protein skimmer, and a powerhead, plus Aqualight lamp with the 10,000k, atinics, and 3 lunar lights. 10,000k run from 12 in the afternoon, til 8:30 at night, atinics from 8:30-10:30 pm, and lunars for the rest of the time. Are my lights settings ok? I have been keeping the lunars on longer due to all the algae. Thanks.:confused:


Active Member
What do you use for source water??
What's your feeding schedule??
How much sand, LR and stuff like that??
Not surprising that your PO4s are 0. During a algae bloom the PO4s can be used up very quickly... PO4s may still be the problem though.
A KH of 214.8 puts you around 13.5dkh or so which is good. What is your calcium at??


hey..im using tap water which never seemed to be a problem..i have 80 lbs of liverock and all crushed coral..no sand..and have cut back feeding from everyday to everyother day..i tested calcium but its off the charts on the test kit i got so im not exactly sure what the calcium is


ok il definitely give ro water a try then..but do u think thats causing the problem since i never had a problem using tap water for 6 months then out of nowhere this happened