I finally got my Salifert test kit from swf.com. I got the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH kits. My ammonia is .25, nitrite .1, Nitrate .1, and pH 8.0. Are those levels okay? I lost four fish and I'm losing a couple hermits. The two fish dissapeared. One got sucked into my ph. And the other I found dead (he was breathing hard and couldn't swim, also had some brown stuff around and under his mouth). Could it be my levels that killed my fish (besides the ph accident) and my slow death of hermits? My hermits pop up dead then are eaten by their tank mates (I have scarlet hermits). Although 12 of my 22 hermits are at least still alive and most of my snails are still okay. I only lost one cleaner shrimp but he died like a couple mins. after I added him but the other cleaner, pepper, and two monkey shrimp have been fine for over 4 weeks. What could be causing this?