test results

discus guy

PH 8.2
NO2 .05 ppm false reading i think i always get that even on brand new water
NO3 30 ppm
calcium 480 mg/L (ppm)
KH 161.1 ppm KH
PH Alkalinity 2.4 mil/L
Phoshates .5 ppm
all my tests are good but my Phoshates i have a poshate sponge in there that i just put in anything else i can do. and any other suggestions are welcome. thanks Joe


Active Member
are you cycling still or is this established tank? im guessing your still in the cycle stage give it more time almost there

discus guy

no established tank been running for like 5 months have two black clowns and blue spotted goby, a fisre shrimp, three small peppermint shrimp. 20 lbs ls and about 25 lbs live rock. it is a 24 nano deluxe. have two mushroom rocks a frogspawn frag and a finger and toadstool leather. plus star polyps

discus guy

what levels need to come down i know the nitrite needs to come down a little but i do a weekly change of 5 gallons on a 24 and tats basically it