test results!!!


here they are phosphate .50, nitrite .25, nitrate 20, ammonia 1.0, there is notheing dead in my tank haent feed in about 5 days what am i doing wrong


Sounds like your tank is still in the cycling process. How long has your tank been up and running? If you set it up not too long ago, then sounds like your doing things right(just give it some more time). :D

nm reef

Active Member
Not sure...but sounds like you've never introduced ammonia to initiate the cycle process. May be a total shot in the dark but from what I've seen in this post it sounds probably to me. Check the info on the link below.....and try to initiate a cycle then let it run its course.
Just a side note: Not everyone is overly obsessive about the Mr. Bubble deal......I for one tend to ignore the stuff.
Just tryin to help!!!<a href="http://www.reefcorner.com/Manual/nitrogen_cycle.htm" target="_blank">cycle</a>


Active Member
Sounds to me like one of the tanks you hear about that just take a long time to finish cycling.
Cycling with live rock is normally a preferred method - in most cases.
I suppose the level of die off and ammonia production from this die off could be limiting the rate of cycle - but I would imagine it has to do more with the growth and reproduction of the beneficial bacteria.
I'm guessing you have some inverts in the tank from your "not fed in 5 days" statement. What are you feeding this tank. I'm sure some of the food is decomposing too.
I would STOP adding food. Let the bacteria do the bactera thing - and not introduce any more sources of organic nitrogen.
Maybe your bacteria population can not keep up with the addition of any excess food you are adding. Maybe - just a guess.
Your test result numbers seem to me that you are in mid-cycle still, and as IV:XX said - you may just want to give it some more time to finish.
The phosphate reading is something I would get busy on though. You may try and ID where the phosphates are coming from. Most likely they are coming from flake food - if this is what you have been using. Or could be freshwater.
My guess - is the food is adding phosphates and more nitrogen ( ammonia ) than your tank's biofilter is capable of handling - and your cycle has somewhat stalled out.
And NMreef - nice article on cycling a tank. Very good info - I had to bookmark that one ! ;)


so now i half to wat out another cycle and hope my carpet dsen die the lfs will not give me any crdit for it s im not going to be able to get rid of it what should i try to do to keep it alive
thanks for he link nm it help me alot


Active Member
You have to wait out the cycle you are NOW experiencing - not another cycle.
You are showing readings of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. All clear indicators of a cycling tank.
Did you readings EVER reach ZERO ?
If so - then you are indeed in a recyle.
If not - then adding the carpet was very premature - and it's very possible it may die.
It may not - but it may.
I'd take it back to the lfs even if he/she will not give you store credit. Better that than risking the loss of it IMO.
Then when your numbers are right - shop at another place for your creatures - or talk to the store and plead you case.
Most folks would understand. If the LFS guy won't work with you on this - just tell him you'll take all your business elsewhere - and that you'll be discussing this fact with all your hobby buddies.
Sorry for being blunt - but I see no other way to offer any help josh ;) hang in there pal !


well i started the cycle with damsels and took them out after a month, and blindly added a pb tang the day i took the damsles out lfs said it would be ok to do this, anyway now the pb is gone but i have a green carpet i feed jumbo shrimp strightinto his mouth but havent feed in 5 days.
i did feed the tang and outher fish flake at first i feed 2 much but there have been no fish in the tank for 5 days also
i know i messed up some where but im trying to find all the problems and fix them thanks for the help


broomer blunt is what helps me and i will take your advice
everything did reach 0 before the carpet was added i tested at home andtook water to the lfs to be tested before i got the carpet and once again thanks for the halp


Active Member
Well there ya have it.
Feeding these jumbo shrimp to the carpet is probably overdosing your tank with ammonia.
Especially if you are feeding it often - like a couple times a week.
If it eats - it poops - more ammonia.
What it doesn't eat and expels - even more ammonia.
Any shrimp bits laying around on the bottom - you got it - even more ammonia produced.
I'd take out the anemone - return it.
Stop feeding tank.
Let it cycle.
Then SLOWLY add creatures to the tank over a VERY long period of time.
Patience is what is missing here - and one of the hardest things to have in this hobby.
But don't feel too bad or beat yourself up over it - you're not the first and you won't be the last. I too have been there before as well, and have made the same "premature" mistakes.
Most every person here I'm sure has their "OWN" story to tell regarding patience and rushing on a newly set up tank.
I have a 30 gallon long tank - it has some live rock and 1 damsel in it.
It's been this way for 2 months now.
Am I anxious to stock this tank - you bet !
But ...... letting it simmer a few months with very little disruption I now know is the best way for ME to go.
I know you're probably bummin out major right about now - but take the carpet back and let your tank do it's thing on it's own time.
You will see - and you will have a great tank someday - months from now - if you go this route.


ll i will take the carpet back and beg them tokeep it for me until my tan gets stable i really wont to cry b/c i have been waiting 2 years for this carpet <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />