Test Results


The tank is now three almost four weeks old.
Here are my following results.
KH = 9
PH= 8.2
AM = 0
Nitrite = 0
Nitrate = 0
Phosphate = .25
CA = 560 (rather high) ( I did a water change yesterday ) Instant Ocean Reef Crystals
MG = 1200
I haven't dosed anything. I have LR and just Chaeto in my sump.
I tested the Ammonia, Nitrate, and Nitrates twice for accuracy, as my Nitrates were around 20 three days ago. After I got the high reading on the CA I tested again and got the same results.
My salinity has been maintained at 1.025. 79 - 81 temp, I get swings until my fans for my LEDS come in.
I still have the very large White Algae bloom, but it is white, not turning red. Can't wait for that to clear up so I can see everything.
I do also have a HUGE isopod population in the tank.


Ya I have fans coming to help regulate the temp.... Really wish the cloudiness would clear up...driving me nuts. :)


Active Member
There is a really nice heater controller by finnex, if you are looking for toys in the future. It is essentially a thermostat. You plug it into an outlet and then you plug your heater into it. It turns your heater on and off for you by using a probe. Most heaters come equipped with this thermostatic ability, but this is digital and much more sensitive/accurate than most heaters. They aren't too expensive. Maybe 20 bucks. But I agree 81 all the time isn't bad. If you don't like that, add more fans.


Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/393946/test-results#post_3506172
How close are your LEDs mounted to the tank surface......
They are 12.5 inches away from the water. This is the max height I could get because of my canopy.
Yes, I am going to get a therm control and use this. I rather have something more sensitive control my temperature then the built in therms on the heaters.


Active Member
Agree with Bang about adjusting your heaters to 81 to minimize temp swing.....A temp controller not a bad idea....I use and like the Finnex, but not super cheap IMO....