Testing Chemistry - How Often?


New Member
I've had my 90 gal tank for about 8 months now. During the first 3 months or so, I tested my chemistry religously a few times a week. I bought the tank used and fully set up with live rock etc, so I never had to go thru a cycle.
Over the past 5 months, I've tested my chemistry and nothing ever seems to change! My tank inhabitants are doing great, I have several colonies of pulsing Xenia that grow like weeds and corriline agae growth all over the tank.
So my question is - How often do you test your chemistry with an established tank? I always check the salinity with a refractometer when I do water changes but thats about it.
I'm now checking my chemistry about once a month and still, all levels are fine. I'm using Hagen test kits. I'm now figuring that if something starts to crash, i'll notice it if my Xenias stop pulsing (or is this a bad assumption?)
Oh and heres whats in my tank.
100 lb of live rock
1 clown
1 blennie
1 sm yellow tang
2 firefish
2 blood shrimp
20 blue legg hermits
i run a protein skimmer and a wet/dry.


When a tank is established, I don't think it needs to be tested that often. If you make any changes you can test then, but I think once a month is just fine. I test very rarely myself.
Starting a tank is different, but you have had yours for 8 months and it was established before that.


Active Member
These are the reasons I test:
1) If the water does not look good
2) If there is a problem with corals
3) Before a water change
4) 2 days after a water change
3 & 4 have been the only reason for testing since I started the tank 7 months a go. This boils down to 4 times a month.
Hope this helps. :joy:


New Member
Any thoughts on Hagen test kits, bad, good, average?
My LFS guy told me the Phospate test on this one was not accurate.


Active Member
I use salifert for all my testing, based on reviews. I have heard many good things about Hagen and would conder them average. You should be fine.

sinner's girl

I test sg daily, so I can replace top off water. I test everything else, about once a month or if something dies, looks stressed.
However, you should test if you're adding any chemicals to your tank.