testing kits?



how often does the water in a nano tank need to be tested? what testing kits would you recommend?


i test every week, dont know if thats nessary but my tank is only 6 months old so i like to keep an eye on it.. i test for ph, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, calcium and alk.. hth


Active Member
I used to test every week. Now once every month or so. I keep xenia and other corals that will tell me if anything is out of whack. Plus my water change/carbon change schedule works pretty well so I don't waste the time on it. I do a daily DLR test though (Does it Look Right???)
When I first started out I tested every 6-8 days though!


Being that your tank is 6 months old (should be stable by now). I would probably test calcium and Alk once a week and your nitrates every 2-4 weeks. All other tests can probably wait until you see a problem with the tank. If you dose trace elements, you will probably want to keep a close eye on those also.:D