Testing limewater PH?


My PH test only goes up to 8.6 is there a way i can check the PH of my limewater/kalkwasser?
Also does anyone know what color my ph test would turn if it was way over 8.6? or does it just stay at that 8.6 color on the test kit?
I want to make sure im not over dosing my tank with lime.


Active Member
Limewater's PH maxes out around 12.##. There is no way to get it higher... what your should be testing "your tank" for is alkalinity/calcium.


You need as said test calcuim & alk when you reach a calcuim level of 400 give or take a little then you try to regulate how much kalkwasser you need to maintain that level if you calcuim goes way up 500 or so most like your alk is low and you need to bring the calcuim down by not using the Kalkwasser for a bit.Not sure how big you tank is but my 150 loaded with corals I use 2 tablespoons in my evap water 2x a week and calcuim is 400 to 430.


I have a 55 gallon, my calcium test is in route from a BAY purchase.
My ph has actually stayed were its supposed to (8.2) since iv started dripping.. Ill test my calcium now to see what its at.


Active Member
A ca reading with out a alk reading really tells us nothing but it's a little high. If your alk is low, that could be why the calcium is high... if the alkalinity is also high then you're adding to strong of a kalk mix or it was high before you started dripping kalk.
Let us know your alk results when you get the kit in!!