testing pictures...


Active Member
This is Willie, he lives on featherduster hill which is beginning to look like a dandylion going to seed, it's pretty cool...


Active Member
For those of you familiar, this is our bumble bee snail hitch hiker, Speedy...yeah, he's still hanging around and doing great


Just an FYI, you can add more than one pic per post. when you're in the attachment section, just keep browsing and uploading until it tells you've hit the limit. I've gotten 5 in one post so far, but I only had 5 to post. :)


YEA!! You did it!! Good job!
Love the pictures. Thanks for sharing. Did you buy that bristle star or was it a hitchiker too? It was great seeing speedy. Good to know he made it. Ant.


Active Member
Lisa- Your tank looks great, I love seeing the pictures!! You inspired me to try and post mine again. How are your clowns adjusting? They look great!!