Testing water in a Reef tank


The 75 is getting better and better with new pieces every week. I need to pay closer attention to my water. I currently test for:
I heading out to buy more kits tonight. What do I NEED to be testing for to make sure things stay fine?


Active Member
You'll need a nitrite test kit, although once you get established, testing for ammonia and nitrite won't really occur too often unless you suspect a problem. If you are going to keep corals, you'll want to test calcium, alkalinity, magnesium, and perhaps some of the trace elements, although it shouldn't matter if you do water changes with a good salt mix such as reef crystals.


I test my nitrite here and there but it holds stable. Amonia every time because if there is a problem that will show it first. Nitrate I keep an eye on for obvious reasons and yes I do test for calcium.
I was going to pick up an alkalinity and magnesium test kit today. I just wanted to see what others had to say.
I've been using Aquarium Pharmacudicals. What do you use?


Active Member
Salifert is likely the best from what I've heard, I use it for testing nitrate. I honestly don't test much more than alk and calcium anymore, unless there's a problem.