Thank you all! EVERYONE!


I would just liek tot hink you all, my tank is almost a year old (yippe) and i would just like to think everyone on of you for all the support you guys have and all the knolegde, and that you are so kind as to share your knowledge for me tio share with others, alot of you may not know my new name, my former name was Magic_carp i have currently been baned, but i have learned my lesson, i hope never to get banned again, if it wasent for this site and the kind people i would not have gone from this.....


thank you, my tank is just now startin g to fill up with SPS, i have got alot of frags over the past week, so im very happy!


Active Member
Could you give us some close ups of your sps frags? I'm starting to add sps to my 46g. now that I got the sump/fuge setup and I got a aquac ev 120 coming in the mail!! Your tank looks awesome!


lol i have tried and tried, these are the best shots i could get of the DT, out of dozens! so i cant really help you on the frag part what i have
1 pink/blue mille(just got)
1 lime green mille(just got)
1 dark green mille (just got)
1 red/green mille
1 pink/purple with green polyp pocilipora
1 green digi
1 orange digi
2 frags of a light purple dark pink cap
1 Larry jackson purple tipped acro (my prized possesion and first SPS frag i have gotten)
1 Unidentified acro(just got)
another unidentified acro(just got)
Nice green/pinkish blasto(just got)
and along with the various blue/green/red and purple zoos, greenstar polyps, frog spawn, gorgonia
Starting to get my SPS built up, i really like Milleporas if you havent noticed!


thats my mom 55g FW, nothign to look at, if i had my way it would be my fuge/sump, alot eaiser then drilling into the walls :rolleyes:


ahk, 23 fish in a 55, i feed them i take care of them, i pay for all filtration, but no, i ant get rid of any, my mom is crazy......


Active Member
My dad is into FW. He used to have a few large tanks of Ciclids, then he graduated to discus. Now he has 5 10g tanks in my basement breeding mollies, guppies and if he's lucky bettas. He also has a 29g upstairs and a 30g discus tank in his office at work.
As for me, I'm a salt man. I look at his breeder tanks and think..."HMMMM that would make a great sump."

Great looking tank. I would like to see some frag pics also if you can get any.