THANK YOU.....dude with the tank FIRE!!!


Active Member
I forget what your screen name was, but thanks for the info. I installed a smoke and fire detector above each of my aquariums and a fire extinguisher about 2 feet to the right of the aquariums, the other night. Turns out the piece of mind is really worth it and both were under 20 bucks. It's better then paying for all new furniture. I might even try to see if I can set up some sort of way for a security company to monitor it since I travel so much.


BrainRush posted that tip.
I can't stress enough how important it is for everyone to understand how dangerous an aquarium is. Electricity and water are natural enemies and people are victims too often when they decide to fight.
Everyone should be sure to include tips on avoiding accidental electrocution when any newbie asks for tips to get started in the hobby. If you don't have any tips, you have no business ever putting your hand inside your tank. Unless you don't care if you fry, that is.


Sad thing is smoke detectors only work like 48% (i forget exact %)of the time and sometimes don't go off for an hour. (as per the aproximate words of a firemarshall doing a firesaftey briefing of sorts.) Get a ground fault circuit interupter outlet or adapter for each tank too. Will help prevent shorting caused fires and protect the fishies from electrocution if something starts shorting in their water. Not to mention yourself if you knock something into the tank while your hand is in it or messing with the sump etc. Something like one of those for example.**************.com/images/Categoryimages/normal/p_25786_34582.jpg


Active Member
Always make a "drip loop". The lowest point on any cords coming from your tank MUST be below the level of the plug!!!! Tie a piece of twine around them at the lowest point on the cord and let the ends hang down. This way if water drips down the cord the string will divert it to the floor.


Active Member
You would have to think that some of that % is like, people that forget to replace their batteries or something weird like that. I am just going to test mine every Friday and make sure that it still works.


Originally Posted by candycane
You would have to think that some of that % is like, people that forget to replace their batteries or something weird like that. I am just going to test mine every Friday and make sure that it still works.
He was talking about ones that where with good bateries etc. Many of the mare actually crap to begin with. Try lighting some paper under one. I did that with a NEW one it took it quite a while to kick off with it RIGHT under it.
Dunno But i'm not relying on them alone.