Thank You!!!!!!!


Thanks Bang Guy, I'm afraid I ordered another one from this site which ships tomorrow!! :help: I'll do my best to keep them alive. I really love them though and since I can't have anemone's due to my lights I thought I had found something that looked just as great. Why do they die?? Is it lighting, diet, alk/calcium, ph.......what should I be on the lookout for? I try to keep all my parameters perfect and I am faithfull with my water changes every week.

bang guy

I really don't know why they usually don't make it. I wish I did.
That black & white shelled Snail you have is a Cone Snail. I hope it's just a shell and not live. They're quite deadly.


Member's just a shell. I read about the harpoon tooth they use to paralize their prey. Quite a remarkable creature....looks beautiful and defenseless and yet it can kill.

bang guy

The shell is harmless but the snail has a

it uses to catch fish. If you pick it up and it

you you may get a lethal dose of Conotoxins.