thanks for the zoo's scott pics included


Active Member
i just got these nice orange zoo's from scott from who i met on this web site... he lives close to me out here and i just wanted to say thanks and share some pics of these they are very bright and stand out in the tank....
thanks again!!!



Active Member
thanks!!! yeah he has a lot of them and the best part was they were free lol!!!

no but im really going to give him some stuff from my tank even though he didnt ask...
a lavender mushroom a mettalic green ricordia some yellow polyps and some waving hand polyps
i have enough of those and wanted to thin them out


Active Member
yeah they are very nice lookin best orange ones i have in my tank.... my other orange ones arent as bright or a solid orange like that....


Active Member
Very nice. I have ONE like that on a mixed rock in my tank. I am hoping it spreads.


Active Member

Maybe I can get some like that for my 55...
Around here, most of the zoos that are for sale are the red and green ones. I'd like some variety. :happyfish


Active Member
Hey dude, I guess they do look nice don't they? I have so many in my tank that I am used to them. They do look pretty good in your tank, even if I do say so myself. Thanks for the thread, although I don't know if you could call them free, you know I am doing that floor and all......
For anybody else if they are interested in trading for some of these you can drop me an e-mail at skschneider at adelphia dot net. As Murph can tell you I have more and I am always looking for cool zoos (sorry for the commercial break here Murph does something cool and I do something sleazy like begging for trades, I feel so dirty.....)