Thanks for your advice

I took alot of your guys' advice and picked up a lunare wrasse yesturday. My LFS had two for 25 bucks. Unfortunaty its not as big as I was hoping, so its in my 55 gallon until its big enough to survive in my 125. Like you all said though, they are beautiful and they dont hide all day like I thought
Also I picked up a coral hog for the aggressive tank. Dont know a whole lot about them, he's about 4 inches long, very pretty and active. Ill post some pics later tonight or tomorrow.
Thats a cuban hog
I wondered about that... Wasnt sure, and the LFS had it labeled as coral... but their wrong alot. They label lawnmower blennies as algae blennies. Its all good though, thanks for the correction.
BTW I really do like that wrasse. If i can ever get him to pose for a pic I'll be sure to post it.