Just want to thank everyone that has posted valuable info that I've been lurking thru the last couple weeks. After countless years of having fresh water I decided to leap into SW. Went out and bought a 46g bow with a wet/dry filtration. Got a protein skimmer and heater all in the sump. Have 60# live sand and 40# of live rock. Had a micro bubble issue that I just solved today. So I'm learning as I go here. When the tank has cycled we want to start with 2 clowns and see how that goes at first. I've noticed quite a bit of movement by what I beleive to be a snail/slug when we have the lights off and they go and hid when we turn them on. I've seen up to 8 of these little guys scooting around. Lighting is another area that we need to invest in. So again I just want to thank everyone for their posts here and they have really helped me out.