Thars a Hole in my tank - Dear Liza


I woke up this morning to the sounds of a Jacuzzi tub running - only problem is we don't have a Jacuzzi tub.:eek:
When I finally realized what i was hearing, I rushed to my tank and much to my relief found all of my fishies frollicking in the air Jet shooing from my main pump
I had to add 2 gallons of H20 to get the thing pumping water again. So anyway, my question is - how fast can water evaporate from my tank. I have a 60Gal with 2 normal output florescents. - 70w total.


Active Member
Depends on how dry the weather is, and what temp is kept, along with how much airflow you have with fans, etc...
However, 2 gallons with that lighting seems like a lot. Did you see any puddles? Wet floor, etc.?
I top off my 60g at most 1/2 gallon a day, and that is on the hottest of days.

nm reef

Active Member
My reef is a 55 gal display with a 29 gal sump and another 70 or so gals in the refugium...all with un-covered tops. My system evaporates about 2-3 gal per day. Each system will be different but top-off should be daily to replace the lost water or you'll have changes in water chemistry that can cause problems.


Active Member

Originally posted by kelldog4
Thars a Hole in my tank - Dear Liza

Well then fix it dear Goofy dear Goofy then fix it .....
Hmm one of the most annoying children's songs every put on an album and I can only remember the Disney version .....


Ha - I didn't realize there was a Disney version.
I have been topping off my tank with about 1/2 gal every 3 days - so I guess maybe I just had a couple of hot dry days??
I don't know that much about your system, but is it possible that the pump is moving more water than you overflow can return to that pump? Maybe something became lodged in the overflow to slow down water flow? I don't really know but these are the things that came to mind when I read your post.
In quick retrospect, I don't even know if you have an overflow on your system.:( :) but that's what came to my mind.
Hope it helps:) Good luck!
:eek: :eek: :eek:
Is that a diagram for a fish tank or some kind of nuclear reactor!??
No wonder you're leaking water. My ears started leaking brain matter just trying to figure it out!!
Total prop.s for being able to run that sort of thing.
It leaves me with absoloutly no clue where you're losing water. Sorry I couldn't help more. Just add water and watch it for like and hour. That should help you determine weather my theory is right or wrong.
If it's wrong, sorry I couldn't help
Best of luck!


Active Member

Originally posted by kelldog4
Ha - I didn't realize there was a Disney version.

yeah it is a real catchy tune with Goofy singing the counter-point ....
Nice filtration set-up. One of hte LFS's around here uses a similar set-up


Yeah - it took a while for me to learn how to use it - and I'm still not quite sure if it is working the way it is supposed to. The tank looks nice and the fish are living so - I'm happy.
What are prop.s anyway?
Thanks for the input guys.