:thinking: yeah... my wife will be really happy when she see's me using one of her knives to chop up fish food... Guess its time to buy a new knife :scared:
Originally posted by latino277
Thx everyone. How do you put a siverside/krill in turkey baster??
I feed my anemones and shrimp with tongs, try that instead. HTH
They sell special tongs for picking things up in your tank and moving rock and other things.I just got a long clear thin rod made for feeding anemones. It's also great for feeding fish,the rod is clear so fish cant see it and it's kind of flimsy so your fish think it's live. It only cost $7.00, well worth it.
I'd think anything long and slender would work. Doesn't help when you're working in the tank, but it could take the risk out of feeding.
My female ocellaris is too small to bite me (can't enough flesh pinched in her jaws) but she likes to beat the living crap out of the male. A few days ago I saw her grab him in her mouth and shake him like a dog shredding a chew toy. He didn't come out for a little while after that