That will wake ya up in the morning....

Kinda off topic....
Part of my morning routine, is to go out to the garage and fill a jug with RO/DI water. I have my system in there, fill one, and have one full from the day before, to let the temp stabilze.
I do this every morning, so i know that this was done last night, because it was not there.
I WAS half asleep, until i saw what was sitting by my RO/DI can.
One is a pic of my RO/DI system
the rest, well, O' MY GAWD (i am in the south!
:scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:
Problem is, i wonder if he is still in there...... :yes: could shake a baby rattle by me right now, and i would clear the roof!!!



Active Member
:scared: I'd have to get my husband to get the water. :scared: Of course, I need to actually marry him first... :happyfish


Active Member
The size makes it look like a kingsnake skin... he eats bad snakes. Could also be a rat snake... also good, eats rats.
My kingsnake just shed today in fact.

Sorry for the dirty tank, I haven't cleaned it in a week or so.


Active Member
this is in the south, ive seen a lot of those in the woods in my backyard. probably a copperhead or a rattler.


I agree with Teresa... Black snake. He wouldn't be there unless he found food. When the food goes he will too. I wouldn't sweat it.


Active Member
Hard to tell what kinda snake it could be simply by the pic... I am also not familiar with the species of snakes that live in your 'neck of the woods'.. however you're not too far from where I live so I doubt the snakes differ too much..
Snakes you gotta worry about here are cotton mouths/water moccasins (its surely not one of those).
rattlesnakes (its also surely not one of those.. not only does it lake rattles but by the shape of the skin it is impossible to be a rattlesnake).
Coralsnake (cant be one of these either)
Pigmy Rattlers (also cant be due to not having rattles.. and skin is way too long)
Coach Whips (not a venomous snake.. but highly aggressive and will actually chase you.. could be one of those!)
species that it could be that you dont gotta concern yourself about... things like a milk snake, king snake, rat snake, black snake, gardener snake, ring neck snake (not one of these either), hognose snake.... blah blah.. could go on but it would probably be a black snake... they tend to do things like that.. (creep into porches/garages/etc).. though dont rule other snakes out.. and if you do not know your snakes well.. i'd personally assume it was a BAD one and kill it if you ever do see it again.. if it is a harmless one however.. let it stay there because it'll do more good for you than bad (eat bugs/mice/and even other snakes).
As far as it still being there... probably :)
I work in pest control and I know that they actually do have some snake repelant stuff on the market.. though i've never used any of this and can actually tell you little about it besides the obvious.
Also there are things called 'glue boards' that a lot of indoor pest controlers use to catch rats and such.. if you place one or two of these down and the snake passes over it, it'll catch it without harming it and allow you to remove it however you wish.
Or if you happen to see it one day.... there is always the old shovel to the neck technique that my mother does... =c(
Either way...... good luck.
I asked an old timer around here, he said it was a rattler. I said, "no rattles", he said that they dont shed the rattles. Heck, i dont know. I am gonna let him hang out if he wants. I had a coupla mice running around. I guess once he gets them, he will leave. I feel like, his kind was here first. (I am Native American.)
There is not but two kinds of snakes that scare me tho, snakes; and sticks that look like snakes!!!


Active Member
They dont 'shed the rattles' but they should shed the skin nonetheless. I have seen pigmy rattler skin and the sure way of knowing its one of those is because you can see the rattles on the skin.
Also if it was a rattlesnake the skin would be MUCH fatter for that length. There is no way its a rattlesnake.


Active Member
I have a Anaconda snake skin is my room that i've had in there since 6th grade.. I should whip that out and take a picture...