thats it, im obsessed


Active Member
I just found myself staring at my tank for 30 minutes....sad thing is, all that's in there is 46 pounds of live rock.


Sometimes LR is what I find myself looking at, in fact I found a new weird looking clam of some sort that dug its way into my live rock, but it opens up from the bottom at night and feeds.


Active Member
Azonic, welcome to the obsession. I spent tons of time during cycling my tank just staring at the live rock. When my 8-yr-old counts our pets, he always adds my pet rocks in the count! :D


ah, 5 weeks ago, (feels like only yesterday), i was staring at a filter system, for an hour. i was stupified. i also spend an hour daily looking at my tank.


I do the same thing just about daily. There are so many new things to see or things that can change on a day to day basis. Its an awesome hobby, aint it! :)


Byrself I for one found that graemlin to be a riot!!LOL!!I don't think it is rude.Thanks for the laugh.


The longer you look, the more you see. If I spend more than 15 minutes in front of the tank, I'm almost guaranteed to spot a critter I've never even seen before, and the tank has been set up for 3 months now. I'm thinking of cancelling my cable TV ;)


My wife accuses me of being obsessed with my tank daily. I can't pass by without looking at what going on. And I night before I retire to dream of my next purchase, I insect every inch of the rock and bottom with a flashlight looking at everything that is there. I study it so much that sometimes I think I can tell when a critter has overturned a grain of sand. It only gets more obsessive as the tank gets fully. More things to discover. Welcome to the wonderful world of reefing!


Active Member
Originally posted by byrself:
<strong>throw you some snails and hermits in there if it'd make you feel better.
That is the funniest freakin Graemlin Ive ever seen!!!! I do it too man...Youre NOT alone! Fascinating isnt it?