Thb Build begins


:happyfish :happyfish
I am starting my Small fish room (only 41"x72"x7') I really just wanted in in wall tank, but by wife did not want me to cut a whole in an existing wall instead she told me to build a wall So I'll get a small fish room out of the whole deal
Wish me luck and stay tuned


nice i like.... if only i could convince my parents to let me puut all the stuf in my room in the attic and dedicate my room to a fish room... I would go fish crazy


Active Member
my next house im making one room dedicated to a fish tank a big one where i can lock myself away from everyone else for some piece and quite


Ok well phase 1 is done the walls are up :) I've got wall space for 2 in Wall Aquariums, my 55 reef and a small 2nd one in the other wall either FW and a Small seahorse tank on the Same Sump as my big tank but That in time. I'll be build a pvc rack for my rocks in the 55. I plan on attaching these racks to a pump, and adding funky holes in the pipes (small ones) to get some wierd currents. I also plan on haveing hole on the bottom facing in to keep detritus from building up.
I think I am going to remove my sand, and go with a bb behind rocks and a very SSB in front ala Steve Weiss. So thank tank won't be move for some days to come
But here is the Room



Like I said it is a pretty tiny room I might have space for all my stuff plus a couple of breeders and a QT hopefully The whole thing is self supporting (not attached to the House in any way So it is more a large piece of furniture then a room (at least that is what I'll tell the building insector
and Landlord) It all dissasembles with the Removal of 8 screws I just taped the corner, no metal so that will just come right apart. I guess she is coming with me when I move... Hopefull into my own place next time.