The 90 gallon reef tank journal!!!


I have decided to start a journal with this 90gal tank I just bought. I wanted to do the journal, because I'm going to need some help along the way and what better please to get the help I need then from

With that being said lets move on. I bought a AGA 90 gallon tank with a built in overflow for about $300 from Pet Supplies plus here in Warsaw, IN.
I have also put together a 30Gal refugium that I will be using to feed my Mandarin with.
I will be posting pic very soon....So wish me luck! I'm off on a adventure!


Active Member
welcome to this lovely site...90g seem to be popular i have one also...wat other equipment do u have so far....wat are ur plans for the tank..



The equipment hanging off the sump probably wont stay I just needed a place for it right now. The skimmer came with a 12gal bio cube I traded a john boat for might get something bigger and better.


Now I have to build a stand. I want it to be very nice, does anyone have a good designs to share with me?
Looking for stand designs???


Active Member
love your tank bro. wish my 75 had an overflow. and nice fuge to. like everyone says it looks like your off to a great start. i will help with the stand but it really depends on how you will like to have it