The anemone is your home


New Member
My clownfish seems to have no interest in hosting with my purple tiped anemone...doesnt even know what it is. My LFS suggested he may be tankraised and not familiar with the behavior. He suggested taping a picture of a clown in an anemone to the glass of the tank facing inward, to give him the idea.
Anyone ever hear of this or try it...sounds like a long shot to me.


I have never had to do it myself, however have read many sucess stories about doing it years ago when I was on another site.
What type of anemone do you have?
What type of clownfish do you have?


Active Member
Oops sorry. I thought I had read somewhere that you had done the picture thing, guess I got you confused with someone else :D


Active Member
:yes: yep, you told me about it. I thought you were kiddin'.
But as far as the clown goes, it may take awhile. Ours took a few months. I have heard of some never taking. Our neighbors clown hosts the wire from the heater in the corner.
Go figure.