the beast...

nm reef

Active Member
...I have a 55 gal sort of refugium. I say "sort of refugium" because its more like a supplimental filtration display than a true refugium. I have maybe 80 lbs of LR...4" DSB...assorted macro algaes...a few snails...a few blue leg and scarlet hermits...a 3 1/2 yr old brittle star...even a gold bar clown and a firefish...there was a tiger goby in there too but I haven't seen him for a few weeks now.Tons and tons of copepods/mysis/worms etc.
A few days ago I stepped into the filtration room and found my brittle star on the front glass. A rare sight...normally all I see is a arm or two extending from the LR...

nm reef

Active Member
...probably when I move the 55 gal (my old display) in place to set up the refugium "supplimental filtration display"...

nm reef

Active Member
He was purchased along with the first clean-up crew I ever purchased in the spring of I can tell he is my oldest resident.

nm reef

Active Member
Just a rough guess but I'd bet he is 10" to 12" tip to tip when fully extended. Most of the time he lurks in the LR like some sort of monster from the depths...its real rare to see him out in full view.


Active Member
LOL.....I remember you cursing your old camera, the new one seems to be working good for you. Great shot of the "monster":jumping:

nm reef

Active Member
stuckinfla...the old canon S45 is for sell....and I'm much happier with the G5. Eventually I may even learn how to make the best use of it...for now decent shots are still hit or miss...mostly miss.:D