the best all around snail..


After this thread I'm pretty psyched about getting some Ceriths.
That said, I like my nassarias a lot. When I feed the other inhabitants, they come out of the woodwork and I could hand feed them. They have a good bit of personality and like to 'play' a lot. one of them keeps climbing up a jagged overhang on the reef, then lets go, falling down to the sand then doing it all over again. He does this a few times then goes back to eating.
I imagine he's probably saying "wheeeeee" all the way down.


Active Member
my only qualm with ceriths is they have a tendancy to crawl on monti caps and die on them. but overall, still my favorite snail. however, atlantic turbos are better algae-vors IMO. they eat more types of random macro algaes that can start to grow in the tank over time.


Originally Posted by saltn00b
my only qualm with ceriths is they have a tendancy to crawl on monti caps and die on them. but overall, still my favorite snail. however, atlantic turbos are better algae-vors IMO. they eat more types of random macro algaes that can start to grow in the tank over time.
The atlantic turbos (astraeas) that I have mow down every kind of nuisance algae that even thinks about growing in my tank