The Best filtration System???


Does anyone know what will be the best filtration System for a reef tank? I got a 75gl tank and I have a sump system but I am not sure anymore that this is the best way to filtrate the water. I will prefer Something that is natural and beneficial for the fish and the corals and stuff. Please let me know. Thanks


Englis please!!! just kidding. So where can I get all these, at the lfs? please let me know how to add them to the sump. Thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by thauro77
Englis please!!! just kidding. So where can I get all these, at the lfs? please let me know how to add them to the sump. Thanks
Chaetomorpha is not English, it's Latin. You want English?...add some spaghetti algae...wait that's Italian.

Anyway, the chaeto (or chaetomorpha- pronounced kee toe morf uh)
You may be able to get this or other algaes at your local fish stores. Just ask what kind of macroalgaes they have. As for adding them, just add them in the sump where there is light and flow. Good Luck.

coral keeper

Active Member
A turf scrubber will also work.
Here is a link on how to make a turf scrubber.