the BEST part about this hobby


alright lets get this thread going
what kinda awesome stuff have you gotten or still have in your tank that you DIDN'T buy
Nickle sized brown starfish (still have)
Baby Hermits 3x (.5-1cm long with shell)
Baby scarlet/blood shrimp (still have - 1cm long)
Baby nudibranch/cuke (not to sure if I stilll have it .. 1cm long)
Northstar Polyp (Astrangia sp...came with rock)
Mantis Shrimp (gone)

what has everyone else gotten?


I got some kind of bristle worm that is very colorful...really cool lookin guy.
Also got some of those mini brittle star fish that you mentioned.


Active Member
i got a nice set off zoos in on my rock.. and some shrooms. the aptasia sure come for free lol.. ive got some free zenia,gsp,shroom, mexican turbos,cheato, and fingler leather from waterfaller becuase shes the coolest lol.


what coloration is the worm? that's pretty neet
as for my baby looked like the baby in this pic except it was white.....if you can't spot it..its in the middle of the pic on the bottom part of the mother
sweet pic


an interesting, colorful assortment of sponges -- pink, white, green, blue, purple...
Tons and tons of tiny, tiny snails in several different shapes,
too many feather dusters to count
Very cool worms peeking out of rocks all the time
one very lovely red sea sailfin tang that the pet store wanted to get rid of because of a past case of HLLE that had left it scarred for life.
One very scary looking worm, about five inches long, that did not make it into my tank -- came with LR, but died on the way here, as it was shipped in sub-zero weather, and took days to get here. The thing was frozen to death. But it looked really scary. It was not a bristle-worm. It had a mouth full of TEETH and a segmented body with no legs. :scared:


that worm thing is crazy daisy..just crazy..there's some pretty nasty worms..I have these long zebra patterned worms in my tank that grapple onto rock or sand and eat that way..when they extend out a clear piece comes out with a ring of spikes on it..I assume its for digging as well...creepy looking things
sponges are cool..I've had a bunch of orange ones on the bottom of one rocks for about 4 months now..neet looking things


Active Member
I got a fairly large brittle star for free in the LR, and a red tree sponge and thats about it.


Active Member
the zoos i got on the rocks.. there was only about 5-8 of them to start.. now they have quadruppled the # of them if not more lol.. gotta love how fast they spread.


Those are freaking beautiful...I love zoos
I have little little ones I think I got from my bros tank...they have little ahir tendrils on the rim and the center goes to a pink bullseye type thing...I need pics :)
and a red tree sponge would be a sweet freebie


Oh, wait -- I forgot to mention a whole plague of aiptasia once. I returned that piece of rock to the LFS.
Not to mention all the pods that I have. Good guys, those pods. Then there were bristle worms -- thought they were bad, turned out to be harmless, but I went on a killing spree when I thought they were bad and really wiped them out. Haven't seen any in my new tank. nope:
I also have those stripey worms that extend out of the rock and then further extend a toothy part out to catch whatever it is they're eating.
Strange, strange stuff that lives in the ocean.:


yeah sheesh..those tooth worms are nasty eh? I have tons of em..some really huge
as for pods..well put it this way..I have no fish...I have hundreds upon hundreds of pods of so many differing sizes its rediculus
as for aipstasia I've been lucky enough not to be caught by that plauge..but there are two suspicous looking characters in my tank that are starting to bug me..if I see a third I'm buying a peppermint shrimp since these things are still relativly a peppermint shrimp would be a nice addition.


Member stuff.
- Orange color zoos
- LR that ended up having button polyps on it
- LR with yellow colony polyps, blue mushrooms, and ricordea
- A huge mat of GSP
- A nice piece of Montipora hispidia
- Several small frags of pink and brown branching Monitpora
- Several small frags of encrusting/plate Montipora
- Two lose button polyps
- Two 402 powerheads
- Two instant ocean t-shirts
- 20 lbs of LR rubble
- A mugol base for a MH
- A 802 Powerhead
- A green mushroom
That's I can recall off the top of my head. I am sure there is other stuff.


:eek: :eek:

wow, yer like the freestuff master...that's insane..specially the ricordia...its becoming my absolute new fav...and I figure I can save a fortune by sticking with PC lights and not get SPS coral..instead get colourful zoos and my brain which I already those coral types
but that's some serious'd you come by it all?
it would be nice to get some frags here and there..guess I should just spend some more time in the LFS were I get good deals as it is :)



I actually work at a LFS and the boss likes me. I work my rear off and they don't have to ask/tell me to do things. However, I have never considered this stuff as work. I actually enjoy working there and look forward to going to work each day. I also tend to spend some of my free time there. Most jobs people, they would want to spend any of their freetime at work.


Haha I bought 30 pounds and didn't get jack LOL guess I am just unlucky. Although the other day I took my rocks out of my tank and left them in a dry box and heard some clicking sound probably not a good thing.


me......i have never gotten anything free.........would like to get some free zoos from a LFS but they never have any and i have never seen any near me that are very very colorful......has anyone boughten some from if so how did they turn out? Did they change color?