the BEST part about this hobby


That would be a sweet job BeachBum...seein all that stuff all the time and getting deals....course I couldn't do it cuz I'd profusly spend money..but hey :)
and that's a sweety steal Kip..the rocks the LFS i go to are always super cheap and have the best assortment of things on it....the best one I bought so far was:
a rock with a sweet shape..2 kinds of xenia, 3 patches of orange brain and a northstar polyp (astrangia sp.) on it...15 canadian....sweet deal...course that guy is awesome for sweet deals...he breads his own chichlids in the back of the store so he makes like 100 percent profit them...and doesn't mark any of his SW stuff up...its awesome..LR is 5 bucks a pound CND. hehe
and its good stuff...6 bucks for the really premium stuff :)
That's a good price where I really good
and Nicky what's the coolest stuff?...teh stuff that you were like WOW!


Active Member
lol i just now noticed i put fingler leather lol.. yea i ment toadstool.. heck i didnt even spell finger right.. i was tired when i did that can you tell.

dan lang

New Member
i always get new rock anomies pop up everywhere and i just saw a featherduster on my LR today so u never know whats going to come up..


Active Member
Pulsing Xenia (spreading like wild fire) was given to me as a gift
bristle worms
tube worms or feather duster (are they the same thing?) they have flowers and suck back into the rock now and then and stay pretty small about the size of a nickel at most.
pistol or mantis shrimp (have not yet ID it yet
a monster crab (no ID)
another john doe crab
seems like everyday i see something new, some good some bad.


Cindy..that some sweet free stuff! the crabs and the unknown shrimp
that's awesome.
my bro has some crab that came on an LR...still not to sure what it is
good stuff
I have yet to see my baby scarlet/blood shrimp yet since last week...but then again I only see my baby starfish once a month :)


Active Member

Originally posted by dhraako
Cindy..that some sweet free stuff! the crabs and the unknown shrimp
that's awesome.
my bro has some crab that came on an LR...still not to sure what it is
good stuff
I have yet to see my baby scarlet/blood shrimp yet since last week...but then again I only see my baby starfish once a month :)

i hope its awesome! but without an ID i cant be to sure. the one crab is HUGE and very scary, the shrimp, if its a pistol ok, but if its a mantis :scared:


got any pics?
as for the mantis/pistol I'm asuming you've only heard the noise but not seen the culprit? of luck in this :)


Active Member

Originally posted by dhraako
got any pics?
as for the mantis/pistol I'm asuming you've only heard the noise but not seen the culprit? of luck in this :)

i've tried postig pics of my monster here, nobody could ID him. i'll have to find the thread (or the pic) and re-post
as for the shrimp, i once saw a claw reach out of a hole in a rock when i heard the pop, but that was it. i should have squirted something in that hole right away to get him out. now he has moved.


Active Member

Originally posted by daisy
one very lovely red sea sailfin tang that the pet store wanted to get rid of because of a past case of HLLE that had left it scarred for life.

she's turned out just fine:)


Looks like I'm getting a new BTA this morning, guess it started to split last night and got some extra rics from SWF when we ordered a 3-pack, all of them were in mid split. Thats all I can think of at this point. Be starting a thread on the BTA shortly.