if you were to buy a new skimmer today, wich one would you buy and why?
the skimmer i have sucks, and when i get my tax check, i think i'll get a good one.
I've been reading on them again, and currently have a venturi that's built into my wet/dry that does fine. Never the less though, I'm intrigued by one of these downdraft skimmer's as they're not supposed to "whack" plankton due to water not impacting a wall directly and is supposed to be the most efficient kind of skimmer. so that would be my choice if money were no object. Dave
Most all top skimmer are good but I prefer becket injectors =bullet aerofoamer hsa. But euroreefs, lifereef ect are good. What size skimmer and insump , hang on? What are your needs? If you run a skimmer I wouldn't worry about plankton. In most reefs i wouldn't worry either there really isn't mcuh in small aquariums. I know where to get good diy models also
My berlin works pretty good, but I've heard really good things about top fathom skimmers. They are made right here in Oregon. LFS guy said they are selling overseas.....big time. I just got a used one, so I'm going to have LFS owner give it to the guy who makes them for an overhaul before I hook it up. I'll let you guys know how it works.
IME berlin ,turbo floators ,top fanthoms really aren't very good compared to whats out there. If $$ is an issue a good diy becket cost the same and will blow then away. I have links and pics ppl who have them to prove it. They are just copies. I don't make them so i gain nothing. But now where to get them. I've bought diy reactors and other stuff ect.. But I see is your skimmer for a 30g? What do you have? I belive a remora will suit your needs if your looking for a hangon? If not I will give you a link you see my addy
I would get the Belin Turbo Classic Because it can be put into the cabnet where you can not see it and it will cut down on sound.
Someone mentioned the prizm, I do not recamend it. I have it and it is loud.
thanks for the info. im gonna be looking for a skimmer when i get my tax check, and wanted to know where to start.
Ironreef, im gonna drop you an e-mail, i would really like to dee the becket system you speak of.