the best temp

I have a chiller so I can make the temp what ever I want. I have heard some say 82 others say that 74 so my ? is what is the best temp for a reef tank and is there anything too it that if you lower the temp to 72 that it will help with algae??


i was at 83 for a while then 82 just removed my tops and went topless so now i am at 79-80 i personally am happy with that since it leaves a little room for errors or problems in either direction


Active Member
Mine's at's kept their by 300 watts of heaters...I have a feeling when I add the 800watts of MH lights I wont need my heaters anymore :)


my tanks fall to 78-79 by morning and 82 right b4 the lights go off a 300 watt heaters in the 125 and 180's are used to stop temp drop at night.... and the 29 don't seem to need any


Active Member
Minolta F-100.. the pics on the site kinda dont do it justice, becuase i have to compress them some for size.. if your intrested i can send some uncompress ones...


Active Member
Mine runs between 81-84 just before the lights go out. Eric Borneman was some great insight into reef temps. Very few are at 78 apparentely. Most are a little higher. It does speed up metabolism of algae, but it also speeds up the metabolism of everything else in the tank as well. Anyway, I'm a lot like you guys, my lights dictate what the temp is. Any thoughts on a 3-4 degree fluctuation throughout the duration of the day? The corals appear happy? Would they be happier if it was exactly constant? Or this yet another anal thing that we all go through? Any thoughts?

bang guy

I've found the most diversity at 83F. But more important IMO is stability. I think if your tank heats up to 85 during the summer you should keep it there to create a stable temp. I think anything lower than 78 is stressful to tropical reef animals.


Active Member
82-84 here. i used to keep it at 78-80, but the temp rised to 84 one day and i have never seen my corals open so big and healthy, so i try to keep it this way from now on!
good luck


Active Member
I keep mine at 80. Here is a Link to what Dr. Ron has to say about it. I found this a very interesting article! Some of you have probably already read it.

zack schwartz

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Active Member
In my opinion - the best temperature for my reef tank/setup may be different than the best temperature for someone elses.
Too many factors come into play for me to say what is best.
80-82F seems to work well for me

nm reef

Active Member
Mine ranges from 78-82 degrees...I've found that temps above 82 have caused serious problems with frogspawn and hammer corals. I don't use a heater or a chiller....early in the AM the temp is around the day progresses the temp increases to near 82 .... works well for my system.:cool: