The Big Move -- Status


Well last night I broke down the fish tank so that the carpet people can come in and do there thing. So far here is what I did.
1. Went and purchased 3 18 gallon rubbermaid containers.
2. Syphoned equal amounts of water into each leaving about 4" of water in the tank.
3. Put one big piece of live rock in one, container, the other big piece in another container, and the fish in the 3rd container.
4. I then put the hermits and snails on the live rock and spread them amongst the two containers
5. I placed a power filter in with the fish to help circulate water and hopefully generate oxygen.
6. I also placed the heater in the tub with the fish , hopefully the hermits and snails can handle the room temperatures (72-74 degrees).
7. I occassionaly go over and stir the water up in the live rock containers so that it creates bubbles and hopefully lets some of the gasses escape and generates o2.
8. I placed my pc light across all the containers so that they can receive some light.
I did this about 8pm last night and it has been 12 hours. So far no one has parrished, although a couple of snails looked a little weary before I started the move. Is there anything that I am missing that I need to do? The fish seem just as active as they were in the fish tank right now. One went carpet surfing for a few, but he since learned his lesson and is doing fine.
Comments welcome, if I am missing something.


sounds like you've got it under control. How much longer are we talking about. I wouldn't be as concerned about the light as I would the air. Carpet surfing, LOL that is totally funny. glad he is ok. My tank is much smaller so one tub worked for me and of coarse I didn't need it for any length of time. I hope things continue to go well.


So far everything is living although not sure about the snails and such. I do not have a heater in the tanks with the snails and such, but the fish and everything are going back in tonight.
Am I going to have any problems with the cycle or anything again? They fish and everything are in the same tank water, although I was thinking of taking advantage of this and doing a partial water change tonight as well.


IMO I wouldn't do anything else to stress them. I think everyone should be ok but I wouldn't do a water change just yet. But, thats just My opinion. Glad it all worked out.
Playtime :)