The BIGGEST mistake of my life


well, lets see here...
Started off my dad ordered 16 pounds of liverock for my 10 gallon about a week ago. It came today. When I got home from school I found the liverock on the front porch and I was so happy. Everything was fine right. Well I added livesand to my HOB refuge and my tank. Then I stacked up my liverock perfect, It looked so damn good. I added the water and still everything was alright. I turned on the HOB refuge and Here is when the probem starts. The powerhead that runs the water to the HOB refuge wasnt working right. So I took it off, fixed it, and the damn thing wouldnt fit in the pipe right, I turned off the Refuge. I tryed for 15 minutes to fix it. IT WOULDNT GO IN IT. I twisted the pipe thing around, all of a sudden all of my Live Rock fell down :scared: I was so damn pissed. Then I finally got the Powerhead to go in the pipe.
When I turned the refuge back on, their was a big leak in the pipe where I twisted it. Water fell to the ground and in my SERGE PROTECTER, the freakin thing caught on fire!!!!!! I grabed a cup of water, unpluged the serge protecter and put out the flame.!!!!!I took some of the fallen liverock out of the tank, placed it in a bucket with a heater and powerhead. I threw the hob refuge out the front door(literally)
Now here I am typeing this thread looking at my dirty tank with liverock in the Bucket. This is got to be the worst day EVER!!!


Active Member
sorry to hear about your problem, take your time, its all about patience! mabye you should just try using yor skimmer instead of the whole refuge, i know alot of people use just skimmers on a tank


Man, I am sorry! I have had those day with my tank. Sometime I was like this not worth it but then I get it right and I am sure you will too.


hEy DoNt WoRrY bOuT iT mAn U r GoNnA gEt ThErE tRuSt Me I wAnTeD 2 gIvE uP aLsO bEcAuSe I cOuLdEnT gEt My Lr SeT uP tHe WaY i WaNtEd AnD iT kEpT oN fAlLiN dOwN aNd I wAnTeD 2 tHrOw It OuT tHe WiNdOw BuT i DiDnT i JuSt ToOk My TiMe AnD i DiD iT aNd I nO u CaN dO iT aLsO gOoOoOoOoO rEeFdUdE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

uR FrIeNd AaRoN


thanks everyone, the tank clearned up a little bit but the Liverock looks like crap, when the refuge comes ima take out all the liverock and stack it up how i want it outside the tank, then ima put it in the tank. Thanks..


Originally Posted by NanoKid
hEy DoNt WoRrY bOuT iT mAn U r GoNnA gEt ThErE tRuSt Me I wAnTeD 2 gIvE uP aLsO bEcAuSe I cOuLdEnT gEt My Lr SeT uP tHe WaY i WaNtEd AnD iT kEpT oN fAlLiN dOwN aNd I wAnTeD 2 tHrOw It OuT tHe WiNdOw BuT i DiDnT i JuSt ToOk My TiMe AnD i DiD iT aNd I nO u CaN dO iT aLsO gOoOoOoOoO rEeFdUdE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

uR FrIeNd AaRoN

Wow, reading that is torture. Instant headache!!


what size tank do you have? If it was a 12 or smaller I wouldnt even consider a refuge...maybe live rock rubble and freqquent water changes would do the trick. works fine for me. the only filtration i really have is live rock and some filter pad blocks that came with my jbj. dont worry, it takes a while for rock work to turn out exactly how you want it. when it does, you'll know! good luck


Thanks a lot, I have a 10 gallon. It's my third saltwater tank. I have a AquaFuge External Hang-On Refugium It measures 13 inches long and It fits perfect, I think it works extremly well, on my last 10 gallon I just used an aquaclear filter and made that into a refuge but now I've got a real thing I just hang it on the back. I will put liverock rubble and Cheatomorpha algae in it. Ima try to stack up the liverock how I want it. :joy:
Well thanks alot, Ben :happyfish


Active Member
was the HOB refuge those AC filters? i think you were suppose to slow the flow cause it might cause a stand storm in your fuge and might even clog your filter. anyways be patience. and when doing your rockwork make sure each rock is stable and not moving around.


Active Member
you threw something out the door? sounds like something i would do...anyway sorry about your tank, my tank is definitly not where i want it right now. hope it gets better.


Originally Posted by BBB
Reefdude, where at in NC are you? We're pretty close to the same age.
I'm in Oxford about an hour away from Raleigh. I think i'm about 2 hours from where you live


Originally Posted by ReefDude37
I'm in Oxford about an hour away from Raleigh. I think i'm about 2 hours from where you live
A nice little drive then.