I have had my 55 gallon saltwaterfish tank for over 2 years now and it's giving me the is a reef tank and i have the moolight sytstem over with a protein skimmer and an emperor 400 but my tank seems to not be doing good. my fish have been alive for over 2 years and doing fine but i always get hair algae and my corals dont do well except for my colt. i get red slime in the tank too. and i cant figure it out cuz all my parameters are fine and my lighting is fine. I can't get rid of the algae and get my corals to thrive. My friend has the same tank as me same lights but he has two penguin 330's and a protein skimmer over it and his tank is amazing. is my problem i need a 3rd filter like my friend? what is the problem? and water changes havent helped solve my problem...much help thanks