The case of the disappearing ich


New Member
I have a new flame angle in a 72 gal fowlr. The following day it showed the first signs of ich but upon inspection 8 hours later it was gone only to reappear the next morning.
All other fish are healthy as usual.
Any thoughts?
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 8 ppm
SG 1.024
Tank 3 years old
Clown fish
Royal Gramma
Flame Angle
Yellow Tang
70 lbs live rock


Staff member
That is pretty typical ich behavior. Unfortunately, now all your fish are exposed to it.


New Member
Thanks very much for your repy. I will check in again in 8 weeks to let you know how it works out.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I am not all that sure its ick the time line would have to mean you are one of the unluckiest hobbyists I know.
You would have to have this Scenario
. You introduce a fish with the ick parasite in its infective state and eight hours latter the parasite falls off the fish entering into its trophonts stage. But you also had to introduce the ick parasite in its free swimming stage and in that stage it would have to infect you fish once again for it to reappear the next day. Possible yes but as I said you have to be really rally unlucky.
Do you have a sand substraight?


New Member
Hi Joe
The substrate is CC.
I have began treatment with Coppersafe and there has been no signs of ich. All fish are doing well.
With the amount of good luck I have, mabey some bad is needed to balance the scales.


well as mentioned numerous times, ich is present in nearly all home aquariums, it is just water quality and good diet that keep fish from becoming stessed enough to contract it. if they are in good condition they can fight it off, which they for the most part do along with many other bacterial and fungal nasties. so if a fish gets ich, its usually best to treat it directly in a qt tank because as long as the other fish are doing well with no stessors then they shouldnt contract the problem. ive seen it first had, had a fish get ich upon buying and introducing him, but my older fish never got it. most likely from the fish being stessed at ***** (dont go there) and then getting more stressed being introduced to my tank, and then contracting ich, but my clown whos been in there for over a month had no problems at all. so water quality good diet and separating out sick fich to more directly treat them seems the best way to me


Active Member
some fish are alot more prone to ich also.tangs ,puffers,foxface fish with smooth skin.
i had some fearse ich and the fish with scales i have like damselsand purple cromis didnt get it.


I've seen this myself as well. I've got a powder blue tang that was recently added. I got up this morning and he had spot. I was confused since I've got cuprumin in my qt. But an hour after the lights came on no spots what so ever. I've seen ich lessen but never completely disappear?