The case of the disappering fish....


Hi I could use some help. I have a 29 gallon tank w/ some live rock a hatian anenome, 2 shark catfish (4"), 4 yellow tail damsels (small), 1 blue damsel, 2 hawaiian damsels, 1 zebra dmsel, 3 yellow tangs (2"), 1 orange clownfish (small), 2 percula clowns (1 1/2-2"), about 5 redlegg and 1 blue legged hermit crabs, 3 or 4 snails,1 clam, 2 small peppermint shrimp, and a small emerald crab that has not been seen in weeks. Here is the problem, lastnight I put in 4 marroon clown fish, acclimated them, they grouped together w/ the other clown I have, well this morning they dissappeared, along with the clam. Now this has been happening a lot, at night I loose at least 1 fish, a diamond goby which I just got from 2 blue Hippo tangs, numerous other clownfish, a couple of zebra damsels ... I don't know what to do, any ideas???? :help:


Active Member
you definitely have your tank overstocke and 29 is not close to the size any tang needs no wonder you have been loosing fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:nope: its also not smart to mix clowns they will get in fights


You have an awful lot of fish in a small tank. I am by no means an expert but they could be dying and being eaten or slipping between your rocks. how high are your nitrates with all of those in there?


The 3 tangs are new to the tank.... there are only 3 or 4 live rocks and can be viewed across the back of the tank from the side, there are no trace of any of the missing fish, or of the missing clam. I was told since the fish in the tank are only on the average about 1-1 1/2" I could stock up to about 15 - 18 fish. My nitrite and nitrates are all normal, ph 8.2 water temp 78f, I use an emporor 400 & a protien skimmer. any other ideas?


You can't use the current size of the fish when estimating bioload. You need to use the adult size. I wouldn't put more than 4-5 fish in a 29 gallon tank.



Originally posted by DanJ
The 3 tangs are new to the tank.... there are only 3 or 4 live rocks and can be viewed across the back of the tank from the side, there are no trace of any of the missing fish, or of the missing clam. I was told since the fish in the tank are only on the average about 1-1 1/2" I could stock up to about 15 - 18 fish. My nitrite and nitrates are all normal, ph 8.2 water temp 78f, I use an emporor 400 & a protien skimmer. any other ideas?

Listen i dont know if this is what you think or what someone has told you- you can not fit 15-18 fish in a 29 gallon. Your tangs are probably under extreme stress because of the damsels. Also two different types of clownfishes cant be introduced together in the same tank- they will fight. I suggest u research


Okay we are fixating on the number of fish in the tank, that's not helping any. What the bioload will be when these fish are adults, no a concern right now. If I have to move them later I will. Like the catsharks will be in a new tank soon. But anyway I would like to know how 4 clownfish & 1 clam just disappeared over night. :confused: much to the dismay of the residents I moveed all the rocks and could not find even a bone, no residulas that I even had these fish..... and the clam has not moved in two weeks now gone... like the others. occasionally I lose one overnight, fine for the evening feeding gone by morning. any clues????


the sharkcats are best guess about 4" the clam about the size of a half dollar, (I just got it from a couple of weeks ago) the clownslike the small orange one in the picture about 1"


did u keep fw fish b4 this?
Those sharkcats look like they're 6"
Even if they're not a 4" SHARKcat will eat a 1" clownfish anyday. Please use some common sense.


okay I put a ruler to the tank the sharkcats are about 6". So I'll admit it could be them that are eating my fish but what about the disappearance of the clam?:notsure:


Active Member
he ate the clam also what do you think it just dissapeared:nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope:


Active Member
is it a cleaner clam? also, i second everyones opinion on getting rid of almost all of those fish. the rule of thumb is 1 in of fish per 5 gallons. in a 29, that is about 5.8 in of fish. you do the math


if i were u buddy, id get rid of everything in that tank. I did the math and you currently have a total of 90 inches of fish at full growth- your suppose to have 5.8. wow