The Contraversial Anemone


Ok people im sick of people being flamed for raising anem's. listen here i know someone whos kept there green carpet and rose anem for almost 3 years and people give him crap all the time about raising them you really believe that our oceans are so clean that they shouldnt be kept in CLEAN, STABLIZED, and ALWAYS FED tanks i sure dont............i cant keep count of how many toxins are dumped into our oceans on a daily basis.........ya ever ride in a you ever notice the fumes being dumped into the water........ever hear of an oil spill, ever hear of illegal dumpage?????????? so i ask you are our oceans so impecibly clean that anems shouldnt be kept in private tanks?????????? because if they are that clean then reefkeeping and fish keeping shouldnt be going on then either because people think our oceans are so clean but guess what from what ive seen.......they're not........... or am i way out of line??????????? you tell not flaming people that are against keeping anem's heck i dont have one......i dont even have my first tank set up just sticking up for the people that get ripped on after they post a ligitimate question and people rip on them..........and i feal bad for them.........well thanks reeftank for letting me posting this all over so people can see how rude they are being so if you're a person whos doin some flaming(notice i didnt say flamer sorry had to point that one out heheheheh) for shame..................


good point greg............but still nothing is perfect........people that just go out and flame others for no reason is rediculous...........these things are so people can get educated not ripped apart.

mr . salty

Active Member
What started this??Is there a problem with anemones that I need to know about?? I just got one and dont know alot about them...STEVE


New Member
I see no problem with keeping Anemone so long as your really care about our hobbie and the the welfare of your tanks inhabitants. Hell when I first started 5 years ago I had a tank crash do to my own lack of knowledge and I apologized to each and every fish that died (almost came to tears over my old kole tang Jake).So I guess what I'm trying to say is if you truly care and take your tanks seriously then you should not be flamed about trying to raise a anemone.
Keep the reef,


I agree with you percman about people getting ripped - this is a site for sharing knowledge and fun. But I am guilty of it myself, mainly when people don't give their animals the research they deserve BEFORE they buy them.
As for the poluted oceans, the areas where this is happening is showing drastic declines in reef biodiversity.
6 months ago I obtained a sebae which I latter believed to be bleached, due to it's intense white colouration, and everyone said it would die. Well I still have it. It has developed a pinkish colouration over much of it's tentacles as the zooxanthellae come back. It has never fed directly from me but is steadily growing under 4-5 watts of lighting.
I guess you never can tell, but if we all continue to share our experiences I hope the losses that people have will dissapear amongst us all.


I think Reef Ranger spoke for me! Everyone seems to have a good stance on this post. Yes, this discussion board is supposed to be about learning and fun; however, it is issues like these that allow each of us to see the fascination of this hobby. It is people like us that are passionate about the ocean and its reefs that will shed new light to flamming by proving that it is possible to replicate corals/fish natural environment in an effort to preserve.
[This message has been edited by laneki (edited 08-02-2000).]
[This message has been edited by laneki (edited 08-03-2000).]


I will probably get an anemone because I will have a clownfish. The tank's not even bought yet, but I'm researching everything and will buy the 55 in September. My parents will get me a 4x96 PC system for xmas, and I think that will do it for many anems. I want a tomato clown (among other fish) but they get pretty darn huge, so I don't know. I really like the look of the tomato clowns.

mr . salty

Active Member
I work at a small company that makes Hovercraft used mostly for ice and flood rescue.Over the last 15 years our craft have been used in saving about 100-150 lives.I personally took part in 6 rescues. We sell them all over the world.This job has allowed me to do quite a bit of traveling over the years.Poland,england,Cayman Islands,Canada,Germany,andTurkey to name a few.......STEVE


New Member
I have been reading this post for months. I learned alot about the beauty of the Salt Water Fish Hobby. I understand I still have tons to learn. As far as keeping certian fish or inverts,,, if it is legal to own it and you research it, I don't see why one cannot persue it. I love all animals, dogs, cats, birds, fish, wildlife. My 6 Marine Brothers love to hunt. They eat what they hunt, shoot, gut, clean and eat! My one brother is a bare knuckle fighter. I am the only girl in the bunch. However, all of my brothers RESPECT amimals. It is a matter of opinion. This post needs to stay clear of politics. Everyone has access to a soap box. Lets stick to sharing information and educating each other. Just like with any other hobby, there are some who love to politic and i'm sure they will give their opinion when they return from Philadelphia, at the RNC. Keep up the Reef!
OTE]Originally posted by percman:
Ok people im sick of people being flamed for raising anem's. listen here i know someone whos kept there green carpet and rose anem for almost 3 years and people give him crap all the time about raising them you really believe that our oceans are so clean that they shouldnt be kept in CLEAN, STABLIZED, and ALWAYS FED tanks i sure dont............i cant keep count of how many toxins are dumped into our oceans on a daily basis.........ya ever ride in a you ever notice the fumes being dumped into the water........ever hear of an oil spill, ever hear of illegal dumpage?????????? so i ask you are our oceans so impecibly clean that anems shouldnt be kept in private tanks?????????? because if they are that clean then reefkeeping and fish keeping shouldnt be going on then either because people think our oceans are so clean but guess what from what ive seen.......they're not........... or am i way out of line??????????? you tell not flaming people that are against keeping anem's heck i dont have one......i dont even have my first tank set up just sticking up for the people that get ripped on after they post a ligitimate question and people rip on them..........and i feal bad for them.........well thanks reeftank for letting me posting this all over so people can see how rude they are being so if you're a person whos doin some flaming(notice i didnt say flamer sorry had to point that one out heheheheh) for shame..................


sundog, I'm sorry if I came across the wrong way. I was only saying that there are people who bash on others for taking something from the ocean and I sometimes wonder what part they are doing to protect the environment. I am not only in this hobby for the enjoyment, but also for the conservation of reefs. I do feel that if a person is going to take the responsibility on they need to understand the creature instead of jumping into it without asking questions (that is why this board is such an advantage because we are all learning).
Originally posted by sundog:
Interesting point you bring up. I, for one, feel I do alot to protect our environment.
I am an artist (mostly wildlife) and I have donated alot of my work (originals and limited edition prints)to countless preservation and conservation organizations around the world.
My work also helps to educate the public of our beautiful world.
Anybody else have something to post here to let us know what you are doing out there?


To celebrate my new "ick" tank!!!!
I'm serving catburgers and dogfries!!!!
bring your own attitude
this site cracks me up! i love it


LOL, blah, blah, blah - some very funny posts!!!
Who eats meat? - I do! Who wears leather? - I do! I also am an active conservationist, but some animal rights activists don't see further that the ends of their noses! For example, some have the habbit of releasing captive bred mink into the wilds of Great Britain, where they either slowly starve or wreak havoc on the local wildlife! Real caring hey!!
The problem as I see it is the unchecked desimation of our natural world, the man-made extinction of species and the blatant disreguard for life to further our greed - it's gone too far!!
I would quite happily eat a Queen Angelfish if it was not a problem for the species as a whole.
Lets not lose site of the woods for the trees!

salt one

hey, i have been wondering what flaming is, i have tryed and tryed to ask in other bb's and i get passed over.....and i was reading this stuff, and its never going to end cause everyone has there own opinion, and there is always going to be someone that feels different on a subjest than you do. and i admit is see something in a pet store and i don't have time to run home and read up on it, and if your LFS is like mine, half the time he never has anything, but once in awhile he will get something cool, and if you wait its gone!! but everyone here has great points and this site rocks!!!!


Salt One-Two weeks ago I had no idea what flaming was--I honestly thought someone was refering to how the folders flame on a hot topic! (yes, as a matter of fact I am blonde, thanks for asking, ha, ha) As I read more and more posts from recent weeks I came to the conclusion very quickly that flaming is a type of verbal attack on someone else and or their ideas or comments.
Which in my opinion, humble as it may be, is really unneccessary for a good discussion or debate.
I purchased a hugh long tenacle Anemone about a month ago, It sunk down into the rocks about 1 week after introducing into tank, I have a Tomato and two sebae. I then pulled some rock away and brought it back out. It now after 2 more weeks has decided to go for a swim. I have decided to leave it alone, it is a corner tank next to a window and I think it prefers the natural light. I don't get to appreciate the view as much but the welfare of the anemone is my main concern. Will it survive in the lower peramid of 200 pounds of rock?
Originally posted by Raistlin:
I see no problem with keeping Anemone so long as your really care about our hobbie and the the welfare of your tanks inhabitants. Hell when I first started 5 years ago I had a tank crash do to my own lack of knowledge and I apologized to each and every fish that died (almost came to tears over my old kole tang Jake).So I guess what I'm trying to say is if you truly care and take your tanks seriously then you should not be flamed about trying to raise a anemone.
Keep the reef,

mr . salty

Active Member
The thing about them is they will go where they feel most comfortable. If he likes it by the window,I'd leave him be.Must be the light.........STEVE